Thursday 12 April 2012

Gta San Andrease Game Walk Through Guide

Gta San Andrease Game Walk Through Guide


Sweet phones Carl to inform him of his mother's tragic death. Carl begins a journey back to Los Santos. He is greeted by Officer Tenpenny, a crooked cop who has been bullying CJ since before his leave for Liberty City. Tenpenny and his fellow officers, Pulaski and Hernandez, take Carl for a ride. Carl claims that he is clean -- that he is no longer involved with gangs. The officers want something from CJ but when they want it, they will find him. Meanwhile, CJ is thrown from a moving car into Front Yard Ballas territory, a close rival of Grove Street's. Hop on the BMX bicycle in front of you. Begin pedalling, tapping 'X' rapidly to build up momentum. Cycle to the Johnson house by following the 'CJ' icon on the radar. Enter the red marker to trigger the cutscene and progress with the story.

Big Smoke

Start this mission by entering the red marker at the Johnson house. Carl decides to refresh his memory by looking at old photos of the Johnson family. Smoke enters the room with a baseball bat, preparing to whack CJ. He realises who it is, and gives a short welcome before driving CJ to the cemetery to meet his brother. Carl meets up with Ryder, Kendl and Sweet. Kendl is glad to see him, but Sweet is still angry that he moved to Liberty City and abandoned his friends and family. The brothers argue, and Kendl leaves to meet her boyfriend Cesar, which Sweet is also unhappy about. Sweet describes the poor situation that Grove Street are in, before leaving the cemetery. The Ballas perform an unexepcted drive-by shooting, destroying Smoke's car. Hop on the bicycle and follow Sweet, repeatedly tapping 'X' to build up momentum. You must maintain a fast speed, as the Ballas will drive along side you and shoot at you constantly. Follow Sweet to the Mulholland Intersection and the homies will split up to avoid the Balla
s attack. Smoke and Ryder are waiting. Follow Ryder through the narrow streets, back to the grove, and stop in the red marker.

    *Sweet calls and gives you the details of whats been happening while you were gone. The Seville Boulevard Families and the Temple Drive Families were beefing. Whilst this was happening, Ballas and Vagos took over.


CJ meets Ryder, an old friend very passionate about the Orange Grove Families. Their chat takes places in front of the Badfellas poster (a poster advertising a fictional movie; also appears in GTA3 & Vice City). The owner of Well Stacked Pizza has dis-respected the Orange Grove Families, by clearing the gang graffiti tag from his walls. Ryder invites CJ to pay a visit to the owner, and teach him a harsh lesson. Hop into the pick-up truck outside Ryder's house, and head off to the pizza store. Before arriving, you have the opportunity to get a haircut at Old Reece’s hair facial studio. The couple enter the pizza store, and CJ distracts the owner by ordering ‘The Full Rack’, the largest meal on the menu. Ryder enters the store in disguise. The owner knows that it is Ryder because he looks so small, and brandishes a 12-gauge shotgun, forcing the pair to leg it. Return to the neighbourhood. 

Gta San Andrease Game Features

Gta San Andrease Game Features

San Andreas is bound to be groundbreaking in the amount of open gameplay it gives to players. New vehicles, cityscapes and more control over the storyline and your character will all be wrapped into one cult classic. Rockstar yet again brings their originality and experience to the table with the latest and greatest title in the Grand Theft Auto series. It's bigger, it's badder, and it packs more ass-burnin' fun than a jar of bean dip. Say hello to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas!
Welcome to San Andreas, USA.
The first thing you'll notice when playing the game is that San Andreas is a state, not a city. San Andreas, loosely based on California, is made up of 3 cities (each rougly the same size of Vice City) complete with countryside and desert in between. The latter 2 both include their own variety of missions to complete, as well as having Rockstar's trademark stunts and rampages to check out in your spare time.
To compliment the new huge map, an extremely massive mountain has been thrown in. Every hill that Vice City lacked seems to have been rolled together into one huge-ass rock. Apparently it takes just under a minute to ascend the mountain in a helicopter. Sure to be fun riding down it!
Although Rockstar has (quite literally) sized up the competition with a huge expanse of land, they haven't skipped over the small stuff. Vice City introduced snazzy new interiors that were both jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring. With an increased amount of time to work on San Andreas (a full extra year), Rockstar has promised to give us more of the same. More interiors means more buildings. SA is situated in a fuller and more diverse environment than in either GTA3 or Vice City - no more of those large lots of empty land or static buildings, as we experienced in Vice and GTA3.
Getting from point A to point B in style.
As well as bringing back classic GTA vehicles and introducing new ones to the mix, what many thought would never be found in a GTA game finally became reality - bikes. No, I'm not talking about more PCJ-600's for you to blast around suburbia in, I'm talking about genuine, pedal-to-the-asphalt bicycles. BMX Bicycles, Mountain Bikes and Lowrider Bikes are all featured.
As well as bicycles, there is also area-specific vehicles. Just as the caddy's were unique to Leaf Links (golf range) in Vice City, you can be certain that there will be many more specific modes of transportation only available in certain locales. 4-wheeler fun in the countryside, for example? You can also unlock special vehicles as you progress through the game.
One thing that many gamers have complained about is the fact that, since the beginning of the GTA series, you would drown even in knee-deep water. It seems that the boys at Rockstar have finally caved to our moaning and bitching, and have given us the ability to swim in San Andreas. Moving the left analog stick forward triggers the classic 'Breaststroke' movement. If you hold down the 'X' button whilst doing so, CJ will switch to freestyle mode, and swim a whole lot faster. However, this can only be done for a limited time, before his stamina runs out. CJ can also dive underwater, and witness the local marine life, by holding the 'Circle' button. Not only can CJ swim, but certain non-playable characters can swim too.
Making the most of your time.
Gruppe Sechs may have their hands full with security now that home robberies have been added. Details are still a bit sketchy on how you'll go about breaking and entering (and looting and pillaging like a drunken pirate), but we do know that it won't be an easy task. Skill and planning will both be necessities of any home robbery.
Finding firepower to assist you in your escapades shouldn't be a problem, though. According to Dan Houser, a "whole crapload" of new weapons have been added to your arsenal in the game. How many and what type? All of the weapons fit into the early 90's era that San Andreas exists in. (Sorry, folks - that means the electro-gun from GTA2 won't be making a comeback)
To make the most out of an increased variety of guns (and swords and chainsaws and bats and flamethrowers), 4-person drive-by's have been added. We've seen a preview of such in one of the first official screenshots released by Rockstar, and it's a mighty impressive bit of action to incorporate into San Andreas.
More side-missions (along the lines of Vigilante, Fire Truck, Paramedic and so on) are included in San Andreas. So even after you're done the main storyline, you can rush back and do even more in the months afterwards.
As well as the standard health and armor pickups from previous games, you will also have to maintain a healthy diet. Eating will affect your stamina, and depending on what you eat (and how much of it), there will be some pretty interesting results. For example, if you eat too much fast food, your ass is going to swell up like a hot air balloon. Weight gain will affect not only your energy, but will keep you from being able to partake in some missions. Pedestrians will also react to your doughnut-like physique. It's a cruel world, isn't it?
To keep you from becoming a walking Goodyear blimp, you now have the ability to train at the gym and shed that flab, build some muscle and become a rippling symbol of masculinity. Riding a bike for prolonged periods of time will have a similar affect.
Real-er than reality television.
Another feature that will affect your interaction with in-game characters is the ability to get a custom hair style. What is certainly an expansion on the wardrobe selection in Vice (which, of course, is bound to make a reappearance with some great improvements), this new ability is sure to make for some interesting in-game scenarios. With improved pedestrian AI, you're sure to get some rather blunt comments based on what piece of hair decorates your head.
The shooting mechanics of the game have been upgraded and tweaked yet again to improve accuracy, response and functionality with your new lineup of boomsticks. To quote Dan Houser: "Play Manhunt - the shooting levels from Manhunt. It's a development from that."
Expanding your empire and purchasing property was first tested out in Vice City, and proved to be rather popular. San Andreas re-introduces the notion of expanding your control over businesses and operations around the state - you will also have the ability to construct and operate your own Casino with some Triad friends.
Having your own gang - it was first introduced in Vice City, but there was very little control over what your goons did. They mostly just ran from cops, beat up punks and loosely patrolled their territory. Now, the amount of control you have over your gang has been improved, and the depth of gang affairs has increased. Hopefully this will bring an end to your thugs disappearing when things get a little too hot when a pissy partner decides to turn on you. *cough*
The long and forever corrupted arm of the law.

Cops on bikes! HUZZAH. Some gamers complained about the lack of such a thing in Vice, and it looks like Rockstar heard the cry. Along with some new hardasses riding choppers, an improved pedestrian AI is sure to mean an improved police AI, as well.
In closing, GTA: San Andreas is everything we could have asked for. Rockstar have taken the features of previous titles and developed them ten steps further. Perhaps the most impressive thing about this game is that you are never left with nothing to do - there is always something you can do no matter what stage you are in the game, whether it be side missions, dancing or performing drive-by's with your homies.

Gta San Andrease Game Gang Details

Gta San Andrease Game Gang Details

San Andreas Gangs
Rockstar North conducted massive amounts of research before developing the gangs of San Andreas-this involved talking to DJ Pooh, Mister Cartoon, Estevan Oriol, and hundreds of other well-known faces. Gangs play a much larger role than they did in Vice City. Firstly, the number of gangs has increased. Aswell as having the large, dominating gangs, we see smaller, more local gangs. Generally, gangs cause a bit more trouble than they did in previous titles-toppling cars, crowding streets and using various new methods of attack. In some areas of the map, you are welcome, and in others, you are not. San Andreas gives you the ability to 'take over' areas of the map, and recruit new members into your gang to help and defend you.
Gang members are recognised by their clothing, tattoos, and hand signs. These are useful for two reasons-it allows police to identify a gang set or victim, and it allows gang members to interact with one another. Each gang has its own territory, indicated by street warnings, wall graffiti, or simply violence. In Los Santos, each of the 4 gangs are split up into different 'sets'. This is good and bad news. Bad, because not all sets get along, and good, because there's always plenty of backup available.
Gang Wars & Territory
Winning territory involves gang war, and this must be done carefully. Enter the area you wish to control, and kill every opposition member in sight. Killing 4 members will provoke a gang war, and the area under attack will flash red on the radar. The opposition attack in 3 waves to defend their land. Keep a close eye on the radar, and watch where the attackers are coming from. They may attack unexpectantly or in large numbers, so make sure you have a plentiful supply of health and armor before starting the war. If possible, shoot from long distances or from rooftops. Survive the 3 waves, and the area is yours. That area is now highlighted green on the map. Other gangs may try and take your territory, and it's upto you to defend it.
Gang wars and territory are introduced during Sweet's mission Doberman. After the mission The Green Sabre, CJ no longer has the ability to win new territory, or defend his own. The feature returns during the mission Home Coming, in the Final Missions strand.
Recruit some homies by pressing Up on the D-pad whilst targeting a member. CJ can recruit a maximum of 7 members at any given time. The maximum number of recruits depends on CJ's respect level.
A coach or bus will hold all 7 members, where as a typical car will carry a maximum of 2 or 4. Press Up on the D-pad and your homies will follow you. Press Down on the D-Pad, and they will stay put until told to do otherwise. Your homies will return fire to those who attack you, and shoot at rival gang members and cops. They will also participate in drive-by shootings, just like Sweet, Smoke and Ryder demonstrate in the mission 'Drive-By'. Don't depend on your homies too much as they aren't very reliable. They can, however, draw fire away from CJ. Press L1 with the camera to have a picture taken with your homies.
To disband the gang, hold Down on the D-pad for a few seconds, or simply abandon them. RESPECT AMOUNT NUMBER OF GANG MEMBERS
Above 1% 2
Above 10% 3
Above 20% 4
Above 40% 5
Above 60% 6
Above 80% 7

Grove Street Families
The Grove Street Families have been silenced over the past few years by drugs, internal disagreements and their arch rivals, the Ballas. The Seville Boulevard Families (controlling only a small area in south-east Los Santos) and the Temple Drive Families (located up north) have split from the Grove, so just because they're wearing green doesn't mean they are necessarily allies. Whilst these events took place, Vagos and Ballas took over. Everyday, Grove Street gets weaker, and the Ballas get stronger. Grove Street OG's include Sweet (Sean Johnson), Big Smoke (Melvin Harris), Ryder (Lance Wilson) and CJ (Carl Johnson). The families must re-unite if they are ever to rise again. The Grove Street Families control areas of Ganton and East Los Santos.
The Ballas
The Ballas have a bitter rivalry with the Grove Street Families. The Ballas come in two sets - Front Yard Ballas and Rollin Heights Ballas. The Front Yard Ballas are Los Santos' most nutorious drug dealers, and Grove Street's biggest rivals. The Rollin Height Ballas act as backup and control only the tiny area of Glen Park, although they are said to be expanding south, into Idlewood. The Ballas are battling with rivals (Vagos & the Grove Street Families) to control East Los Santos. The Ballas have been around since the 1970's - Involved in drug dealing, gang banging, prostitution, arms dealing, vandalism, degeneracy, but mainly, the cocaine trade. Mindless, uncontrollable, and thought to have ties with Mexican (Drugs), and Russian (Weapons) Mobs.  

Varios Los Aztecas
A latin street gang in Little Mexico, distinctly recognised by their turquoise outfits. They have a major rivalry with the Los Santos Vagos. Heavily involved in gun running and street violence, but slowly diminishing. The Varios Los Aztecas are traditionally anti-narcotics. Gang veterans include Cesar Vialpando, Sunny, Gal and Hazer.
Los Santos Vagos
The Vagos sport yellow outfits, and occupy a majority of North and East Los Santos, namely Las Colinas and Los Flores. This hispanic gang are sworn enemies of the Varios Los Aztecas, and attack in large numbers. Heavily involved in drug trade. The Vagos have a major involvment in Big Smoke's crack business.  

San Fierro Rifa
This hispanic street gang control areas of Garcia, San Fierro. They are believed to have become a major hub in the international drugs trade - possible involvment in the cocaine trade. They have a dislike towards mexican gangs in Los Santos. T-Bone Mendez is involved with the Rifa.
A San Fierro based gang helped along by Wu Zi Mu, a blind gentlemen, and led by Ran Fa Li. The Triads operate the Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas, but their main place of work is Chinatown. There are two sets of Triads-the Mountain Cloud Boys, operated by Woozie, and the Red Gecko Tong, led by Ran Fa Li. The Triads are currently having problems with a vietnamese street gang known as Da Nang Boys.  

Da Nang Boys
The Da Nang Boys are a vietnamese street gang based in San Fierro, preparing a full move to the United States. They control the dockland/bay area in Easter Basin - often causing disturbance. Currently at war with local Triad gangs. Extremely violent, major interests in protection.
The Mafia
3 Liberty City based mob families operate in Venturas, and each of them have a stake in Caligula's Casino. The Sindacco Family want to do business with the Leone's, and this involves Salvatore pledging 5 million dollars to the Sindaccos. Both gangs argue over who should run the casino, and so Ken Rosenberg (once working with the Forelli's down in Vice) is put forward as a neutral party. Ken is in the middle of the 3 mob families, so if one attacks the other, Ken will most likely be the target. The Sindaccos are represented by Johnny, and the Forelli's continue causing trouble for the Leone's. The Triads have opened a new casino at the opposite end of The Strip, which will likely feature as competition for Caligula's.

Gta San Andrease Game Eating Detail

Gta San Andrease Game Eating Detail

CJ must eat on a regular ocassion to build energy and remain fit. If CJ hasn't eaten for 
a long period of time, his fat and muscle statistics will decrease and he will eventually 
lose health, aswell as physical ability. Eating too much also affects physical ability. It 
limits CJ's sprinting ability, his ability to climb over walls and also his driving ability. A 
message will appear on-screen when CJ is hungry. CJ can eat upto 11 meals over a 6 
hour period before throwing up. After doing so, all the fat gained from these meals is 
subtracted from CJ's statistics.


There are two ways for CJ to lose weight. The first is exercising, and the second is 
dieting. To diet CJ must avoid food for 48 game hours (48 real-time minutes) and he 
will begin losing fat at a rate of 2.5% per hour. After an additional 26 hours, he will lose 
muscle at a rate of 2.5% per hour and once his fat stat reaches 0, he will begin to lose 


Restaurants open for business during the mission "Ryder". There are 3 different 
restaurant chains scattered across San Andreas: Burger Shot, Cluckin' Bell and The 
Well Stacked Pizza. There are also a few pleasant restaurants, which are only available 
whilst dating one of the girlfriends. However, the food in these restaurants have 
absolutely no affect on CJ's statistics. If you need to eat but are on the go, stop at one of 
the vending carts located throughout San Andreas for a quick bite. Each restaurant 
offers a small meal, a medium meal, a large meal and also a healthy meal. Healthy 
meals (for example, salad) do not add to CJ's fat stat. Small meals (for example, a 
burger) will add 1% to CJ's fat stat. A medium meal (for example, fried chicken with 
sides) will add 2% fat, and finally a large meal (for example, an entire pizza) will add 
3% fat.
Moo Kid's Meal $2 1 Cluckin' Little Meal $2 1
Buster $2 1
Beef Tower $6 2 Cluckin' Big Meal $5 2
Double D-Luxe $5 2
Meat Stack $12 3 Cluckin' Huge Meal $10 3 Full 
Rack $10 3
Salad Meal $6 0 Salad Meal $10 0
Salad Meal $10 0

Gta San Andrease Game Clothing Details

Gta San Andrease Game Clothing Details

Clothing plays a 4% role in your overall respect level and 50% of overall sex appeal. The stores fall under 6 corporate names, and include:
" Binco - Budget clothing, popular with people who can't afford to buy anything nice. Opens during Sweet's fourth mission "Nines & AKs".
" Didier Sachs - The most expensive clothing store in San Andreas. High fashion at its very highest. Stores open when you enter Las Venturas (in the storyline).
" ProLaps - Sells expensive designer sports wear. Opens during Sweet's fourth mission, "Nines & AKs".
" SubUrban - They have everything from east and west coasts, so you can look ridiculous no matter what your musical tastes. Opens during Sweet's fourth mission "Nines & AKs".
" Victim - To die for, a clothing store for people who are willing to spend a bit of money. Stores open when you enter Las Venturas (in the storyline).
" Zip - Clothing to get your teeth into. ZIP stores open when you enter San Fierro (in the storyline).

The better CJ looks, the more positive comments he'll recieve from passing pedestrians, and the more respect he'll earn. Whilst wearing gang colours will increase your respect level from fellow gang members, rival gangs and police will identify you much quicker, and attack. The great thing is, you can keep all of the clothes that you buy without having to re-purchase. This can be done by searching through your closet in the various safe houses scattered across the state. This also gives you the ability to mix and match different clothing. Firing a gunshot or aiming at anybody in the store will forbid you from shopping there until you leave the store and return, so be on your best behaviour.

White Heat T 5 0 $35
Bobo Ape T 17 13 $115
Red Bobo T 12 12 $80
Base 5 T 15 12 $80
Suburban T 15 10 $60
Mercury Hood 15 10 $70
Base 5 Hood 20 14 $105
Rockstar Hood 17 15 $120
Vest & T-Shirt 0 0 $30
Green Windbreaker 13 5 $30
Black Windbreaker 5 5 $30
Rockstar Sweat 10 10 $60
Gray Shorts 0 0 $30
Olive Shorts 5 0 $30
Gray Chonglers 2 1 $50
Green Chonglers 6 0 $50
Red Chonglers 6 2 $50
Blue Chonglers 2 2 $50
Green Shorts 0 5 $30
Red Jeans 0 0 $60
Black Hi-Tops 2 1 $55
Red Hi-Tops 2 1 $55
Orange Hi-Tops 2 1 $50
White Low-Tops 2 2 $70
Gray Low-Tops 2 1 $65
Black Low-Tops 2 2 $65
White Hi-Tops 3 2 $80
Strap Sneakers 3 2 $80
Silver Cuban 2 2 $200
L.S Chain 2 0 $50
Face Watch 1 2 $70
Face Black 2 2 $120
Red Tint 1 1 $200
Blue Tint 1 1 $220
Red Cap 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Up) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Up) 1 0 $40
Black Skully 1 0 $60
Green Skully 3 0 $60

White Tank 2 3 $10
Black Tank 2 3 $10
Green Hoody 15 5 $45
White T-Shirt 0 0 $15
L.S T-Shirt 0 0 $10
Sharps T-Shirt 2 0 $20
Green Shirt 15 3 $40
Checkered Shirt 3 0 $20
Combat Jacket 10 0 $30
Eris T-Shirt 15 7 $35
Eris T-Shirt2 5 7 $35
Track Top 5 9 $70
Black Boxers 1 1 $10
Heart Boxers 1 2 $12
Woodland Camo 6 1 $55
Urban Camo 2 1 $55
Gray Pants 0 1 $55
Olive Pants 5 1 $55
Sweat Pants 3 2 $60
Blue Jeans 0 0 $50
Track Pants 5 5 $70
Beige Pants 1 0 $35
Green Jeans 15 5 $60
Green Track Pants 9 2 $40
Sandals 0 0 $15
Sandals & Socks 0 0 $20
Flip-Flops 0 0 $15
Cowboy Boots 1 2 $100
Hi-Top Kicks 2 1 $50
Hi-Top Sneaks 3 2 $100
Green Low-Tops 3 1 $50
Blue Low-Tops 1 1 $50
Black Low-Tops 1 1 $50
Dogtags 1 0 $10
Africa Pendant 1 1 $12
Pink Watch 0 0 $15
Yellow Watch 0 0 $15
Joke Glasses 0 0 $10
Joke Mask 0 0 $20
Eyepatch 0 0 $5
Red Rag 1 0 $50
Blue Rag 1 0 $50
Green Rag 2 0 $50
Black Rag 1 0 $50
Red Rag Back 1 1 $25
Blue Rag Back 1 1 $25
Green Rag Back 3 2 $25
Black Rag Back 1 1 $25
Red Rag Front 1 1 $25
Blue Rag Front 1 1 $25
Black Rag Front 1 1 $25
Green Rag Front 3 1 $25
Watch Cap 2 0 $15
Trucker Hat 0 0 $5
Cowboy Hat 0 0 $10
Leopard Cowboy 0 0 $10

Blue Hoody 5 5 $65
Black Hoody 5 5 $65
Striped T-Shirt 5 5 $10
Brown Shirt 5 10 $40
Sky Blue Shirt 7 10 $40
Yellow Shirt 7 10 $40
Gray Shirt 7 10 $40
Plaid Shirt 3 0 $20
Cream Logo T 0 5 $35
Gray Logo T 0 5 $35
Jean Jacket 10 20 $90
Bowling Shirt 7 13 $70
Beige Khakis 10 7 $150
Olive Khakis 10 7 $150
Black Khakis 8 8 $150
Blue Khakis 8 7 $150
Beige Shorts 6 3 $80
Blue Shorts 6 3 $80
Gray Boots 5 5 $125
Red Boots 5 5 $135
Brown Boots 2 4 $115
Hiking Boots 4 2 $110
Leaf Chain 2 1 $100
Gold Chain 2 2 $350
Zip Blue 2 2 $100
Zip Gold 2 22 $220
Black Shades 2 2 $100
Brown Shades 2 2 $150
Black Sun Hat 2 2 $20
Plaid Sun Hat 2 2 $20
Cap 1 0 $40
Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Cap Tilted 1 0 $40
Rim Up 1 0 $40

Rimmers Jacket 10 5 $150
R-Star Jacket 10 5 $200
Dribblers Vest 7 5 $30
Saint's Shirt 7 5 $30
69ers T-Shirt 7 5 $50
ProLaps T-Shirt 7 10 $50
ProLaps Black T 7 10 $50
Bandits Top 7 5 $70
Track Top 10 15 $85
Leisure Top 0 0 $30
Slappers Top 5 2 $150
Baseball T 10 5 $80
Track Pants 5 5 $100
Black Track Pants 5 5 $120
Blue Track Pants 5 5 $140
Ball Shorts 5 1 $60
Boxing Shorts 5 1 $60
Dribbler Shorts 5 1 $60
Leisure Pants 0 0 $50
Mid-Top Sneaker 5 3 $115
Black Hi-Tops 3 2 $70
Blue Hi-Tops 2 2 $65
Green Hi-Tops 5 2 $60
Red Sneakers 2 3 $80
Blue Sneakers 2 2 $75
White Sneakers 2 2 $70
White Mid-Tops 4 2 $70
Black Mid-Tops 4 2 $70
Boxing Shoes 0 0 $70
Stop Watch 0 0 $20
Saints Chain 1 0 $25
Pro-Laps White 0 1 $440
Pro-Laps Black 1 1 $700
Aviators 1 1 $150
Sun Glasses 2 1 $150
Green Cap 1 0 $40
Green Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Green Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Green Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Green Cap (Up) 1 0 $40
Boxing Helmet 0 0 $80
Hockey Mask 2 0 $40
Fullface Helmet 2 1 $150
MotoX Helmet 0 0 $100
Helmut 1 0 $100

Tweed Jacket 25 25 $5500
Red Jacket 23 25 $4000
Blue Jacket 22 25 $3000
Yellow Jacket 25 25 $6000
Tuxedo 20 25 $7000
Green Jacket 25 15 $5500
Letterman Top 15 5 $1525
Red Pants 9 10 $2000
Blue Pants 9 10 $2500
Yellow Pants 10 10 $4000
Tweed Pants 10 10 $3000
Tuxedo Pants 9 10 $3000
Green Pants 10 6 $1500
Black Shoes 5 5 $2500
Brown Shoes 4 5 $1100
Spats 5 5 $350
Cross Chain 2 2 $5000
Dollar Chain 2 2 $2000
Gold Crowex 3 3 $8000
Silver Crowex 3 3 $5000
Black Shades 1 2 $600
Black Rim 2 2 $800
Dark Trilby 3 2 $300
Light Trilby 3 2 $300
Black Derby 1 2 $500
Red Derby 2 3 $600
Blue Derby 2 2 $600
Yellow Derby 3 2 $700
Green Derby 3 2 $550
Gray Boater 3 2 $800
Black Boater 3 2 $700

Hooded Jacket 17 15 $75
Gray Jacket 20 25 $1620
Black Jacket 10 20 $300
Biker Jacket 17 15 $320
Chore Coat 15 10 $320
Hawaiian Shirt 7 13 $200
Blue Hawaiian 7 13 $300
Sports Jacket 13 17 $450
Madd Tagg T 5 5 $30
Green Tagg T 5 5 $30
Loc-Down T 5 5 $200
Loc-Down Vest 5 5 $300
Leather Pants 8 8 $875
Leather Chaps 0 0 $80
Gray Pants 8 10 $800
Black Pants 8 10 $800
Jean Shorts 9 7 $1000
Cowboy Boots 4 5 $500
Biker Boots 3 3 $145
Snake Skin 5 5 $1000
Silver Chain 2 1 $450
Gold Chain 2 2 $550
Gold Gnocchi 1 2 $1500
Silver Gnocchi 2 3 $3000
Black Shades 2 2 $500
Green Tint 2 2 $400
Red Beret 1 3 $900
Black Beret 1 3 $900
Black Cap 2 0 $40
Black Cap (Back) 2 0 $40
Black Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Black Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Black Cap (Up) 1 0 $40

Gta San Andrease Game Secrate Locations

Gta San Andrease Game Secrate Locations

The same could be said of the state of San Andreas. And with three distinct metropolitan areas with interstate, countryside, desert, and one gigantic mountain all in between, it's safe to say that much was loose. San Andreas consists of three separate cities (not boroughs like GTA III). Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas all serve up a different experience and have their own unique atmosphere.
Los Santos (Los Angeles)

Los Santos, the fictional city brethren to Los Angeles, is featured really as the core of the story's beginning and the events in Los Santos pick up where it once was left off five years earlier in CJ's life. I would be tempted to sum up Los Santos as gritty, rough and tough -- the darker side of street life in San Andreas. But I'd only be partially right.

While brutal mean streets do dominate much of the city, there are districts for every taste -- rich and poor, young and old. Aside from the Ballas, the Flats, and the Orange Grove Families all representing turf in Los Santos, there is the other side. Vinewood, glitz and glamour, the rich and the greedy. Vinewood is the equivalent of Hollywood and is no less brutal than the urban sections of the city -- lowlifes inhabit all parts. 
Santa Marina Beach is based on Los Angeles' Santa Maria beach. During the day, the beaches of Santa-Marina and Verona are filled with sunbathers and ocean lovers -- but when the sun sets, the shoreline takes on a whole new atmosphere. A nighttime beach party can be seen during the mission Life's a Beach.

Rodeo is based on the glamorous Beverly Hills, home of the rich and famous. Situated in west Los Santos. local shops include Didier Sachs & Victim, where overpriced sweatshop merchandise is bountiful. Need somewhere to stay the night, or host a company meeting? Check in at the Rodeo Hotel, which provides accomodations and hosting services for the wealthiest and most distinguished individuals of Los Santos - as well as the criminal elite.  
Ganton is based on the city of Compton - famous for it's years of gang violence and corruption. Carl's old home, Ganton is Grove Street Families turf. The blood-soaked asphalt of the hood stands for everything CJ hoped to forget, and everything he now has to face. New gangs are starting to bust in on the streets of Ganton, the most violent and hard-ass hood in Los Santos. Drugs, murders, driveby's... welcome home.  
Mulholland is based on the Hollywood area. Residing in the mansions overlooking the highrises and households of Los Santos, the city's beautiful and unimaginably wealthy citizens live in absolute bliss. Looking up towards the glorious estates on the hill, Mulholland serves as a gentle reminder that your life sucks. This area is also home to the Vinewood sign, based on the world famous Hollywood sign that sits on Mount Lee.  
San Fierro (San Francisco)

If Los Santos is to Los Angeles, then San Fierro is definitely to San Francisco. The hills and valleys of this ethnically and culturally diverse city sit well suited for heavy-handed automotive missions and "Bullit"-style driving. While more colorful on the exterior there is definitely an underlying danger not far below the city's surface.

Expect heavy Chinese influence here, and possibly even some from the Krishna or Russians.
Hashburry is based on Haight-Ashburry - occupied by useless, pointless, meaningless, soap-dodging parasites. Or, simply "hippies". Visit the Hashburry and Garcia joint festival, or pay a friendly visit to Bings Bongs. Without a doubt, the safest area in town. But also the most frightening.  
Juniper Hollow is the residential area, famous for its steep hills and winding roads. Here, you can visit Jizzy's pleasure domes - the best place for adult entertainment, and the Gant Bridge visitor center. Its a very big bridge. It looks very nice. Therefore you should goto the visitor center! Right? The Gant Bridge (based on the world famous 'Golden Gate Bridge') links San Fierro to the Tierra Robada countryside, which leads onto the dry desert.  
Easter Basin is home to the Kincaid and Garver bridges, based on Scotland's Fourth Rail and Fourth bridges. This dockland and bay area has become home to many viatnamese gangs, including Da Nang boys, who are currently at war with some local chinese Triads. Includes places such as Dry Dock - handy for docking boats that, erm, don't want to get wet. The Import/Export ship - this area is overun with criminals and drug dealers, believed to be a major entry point for drugs, weapons and immigrants.  
Doherty is an old industrial area, currently under re-development. This area is full of run down businesses and failed services. Now occupied by drug dealers, hookers and pimps. Includes Transfender Swap Shop, popular with people who like to buy cars, and then change them. Buy a car at Wangs Car Showroom. Wang sells only the best cars! You can also find Pay n' Spray, America's favourite pay n' spray shop since 1974. Popular with criminals re-spraying stolen vehicles. This area was the root of the disastrous 1989 Earthquake.  
Las Venturas (Las Vegas)

The third and possibly most dangerous city is Las Venturas, Las Vegas' prot?g?. Its seductive fa?ade and sexy front will pull you under and suck you in. It is said that you can not only interact with the casinos here, but build and run one yourself. And the hookers here are not hookers… they are "escorts". Classy.

Expect significant Italian influence in this city. But beware.. The desert is close by, dark and desolate, and no one knows how many holes are its among solid grounds, or what fills those holes.
Rockshore - Not exactly the most glamorous area of the city, but still, if you're on a tight budget, this is the place to go. Here you'll find adequate accomodation, and charming views of Red County. With great cheap rates during the week, the Last Dime Motel provides accomodation for, er, low-lifes, druggies and hookers. Beautiful eh? So you've got a girl, and you want to start a family. Why not get married at the Rockshore wedding chapel-the place to make a serious mistake, very quickly! Rockshore has a history of crime incidents.  
The Strip - The main attraction in Las Venturas - The Strip caters for all parties, rich and poor. Make an extra buck at the Four Dragons Casino (based on the Four Queens), one of the newest buildings in the area. This casino is funded with money from Hong Kong, and said to have connections with Triad gangs in San Fierro, although nothing has ever been proven. You can also visit the Come-a-lot casino, famous for being not-so-fun, although the structure of the building is very appealing. Other casinos include the Camel's Toe (egyptian themed) and Caligula's Palace, a mob controlled casino based on Caesar's Palace.  
The Old Venturas Strip is famous for it's bright lights and flashy casinos. Home to places such as 'The Craw Bar'- good for people hoping to get lucky (and those who can dance). 24-7, open 24 hours a day, and heavily over-priced. And if you're feeling a bit pekish, why not try the Chili-dog and Ice-cream stands.  
Las Venturas Airport is one of three airports in San Andreas -- based on McCarran International Airport. More than 100 countries fly direct to Las Venturas Airport, a major international hub serving the whole of Eastern San Andreas. Buy tickets outside the terminal, and travel between cities in the state. Plenty of parachutes are available!  
Badlands & Desert

Arguably the most notable feature of San Andreas will be the massive spaces of countryside which Rockstar has planned between each city. The stretches of land will be literally huge, with plenty of variety such as deserts, streams, lakes, hills, forests, a mountain, and 12 small towns.

The countryside will by no means be a lonely, desolate place. It will feature lots of side-missions and tasks to keep you busy, and each of the small towns has an atmosphere of its own.
Palomino Creek is a small community located in the north-eastern portion of the Los Santos countryside. Although tiny, Palomino is not without it's modern conveniences -- a 24-hour Drive-Thru Confessionary Church serves the locals well, who always seem to be remarrying one another at any given time. The local bank has been robbed so often that the police department has given up on protecting it, and Hanky Panky Point provides the perfect atmosphere for wooing your "significant other" (a cheap hooker), or scaring the living bejesus out of horny teenagers.  
Angel Pine is a small countryside town located in Whetstone, towards the west of San Andreas. Contains a rest stop for truck drivers, Ammunation - America's favourite gun store since 1962, and of course Mount Chiliad - the largest mountain in the entire state.  
Bayside Marina is located north of San Fierro in Tierra Robada, this area offers spectacular views of the Gant (Golden Gate) Bridge. You can also take part in 'Boat School', or in other words learn how to sit in a boat and let it float. Very complex stuff, by the way.  
Las Barrancas is a desert town in Tierra Robada, with a history of famous events. In 1842, the 66th cavalry, under the command of Colonel Henry Bolt, was stationed in nearby Fort Carson when they answered a call for help from Homesteaders under attack from bandits. Riding to the rescue, a whole force fell down a hole. It is said that the sound of a hundred horses can be heard riding through the town at midnight. This area is home to the Sherman Dam, based on the world-famous Hoover Dam.  
All in all, San Andreas reeks of one thing… diversity. And perhaps the greatest thing of all has been left unsaid up until this point -- each city is equal to, or greater than, the size of Vice City.